
         The Ashanti tribes are located in central Ghana in West Africa. It is a major ethnic group of Akans in Ghana. This new nation is barely 50 years old.
        The family and the mother's clan is the most important thing to Ashantis'. A child is said to inherit their father's spirit or soul. From their mother they are said to receive flesh and blood. Ashanti people live with extended family members. They have various huts or homes around a courtyard. The head of the house is typically the oldest brother that lives there. He is called Father or Housefather and is always obeyed.
         Ashanti boys are trained by their father at the ages of 8 or 9. They are then taught a skill of the father's choice. The father is responsible for the boy's school fees. Boys learn how to play the talking drums by their mother's brother. A talking drum is used to learn the Ashanti language, spreading news, and for ceremonies. Taliking drums are important to Ashanti rituals involved with them.Girls are taught cooking and housekeeping by their mother. Girls work in the field and usually bring an item like water to share with the group working with her.
           Marriage is very essential to communal life and can be polygamous. Men may want more than one wife to express his willingness, generousity, and his ability to take care of a large family. Women do not marry without their parents consent. The couple don't meet until the day they are to be wed. Divorce is scarce and is the parents job to keep a marrige going.